
Curtin is capable of reporting its progress via the reporting framework. This enables the user to obtain status information from curtin.


Reporting consists of notification of a series of ‘events. Each event has:
  • event_type: ‘start’ or ‘finish’
  • description: human readable text
  • level: the log level of the event, DEBUG/INFO/WARN etc.
  • name: and id for this event
  • result: only present when event_type is ‘finish’, its value is one of “SUCCESS”, “WARN”, or “FAIL”. A result of WARN indicates something is likely wrong, but a non-fatal error. A result of “FAIL” is fatal.
  • origin: literal value ‘curtin’
  • timestamp: the unix timestamp at which this event occurred
names are unique and hierarchical. For example, a series of names might look like:
  • cmd-install (start)
  • cmd-install/stage-early (start)
  • cmd-install/stage-early (finish)
  • cmd-install (finish)

You are guaranteed to always get a finish for each sub-item before finish of the parent item, and guaranteed to get finish for all events. A FAIL result of a sub-item will bubble up to its parent item.


Reporting configuration is done through the reporting item in config. An example config:

    type: webhook
    endpoint: ""
    type: print

  log_file: /tmp/install.log
  post_files: [/tmp/install.log, /var/log/syslog]

Each entry in the reporting dictionary must be a dictionary. The key is only used for reference and to aid in config merging.

Each entry must have a ‘type’. The currently supported values are:
  • log: logs via python logger
  • print: prints messages to stdout (for debugging)
  • webhook: posts json formatted data to a remote url. Supports Oauth.

Additionally, the webhook reporter will post files on finish of curtin. The user can declare which files should be posted in the install item via post_files as shown above. If post_files is not present, it will default to the value of log_file.

Webhook Reporter

The webhook reporter posts the event in json format to an endpoint. To enable, provide curtin with config like:

    type: webhook
    consumer_key: "ck_foo"
    consumer_secret: "cs_foo"
    token_key: "tk_foo"
    token_secret: "tk_secret"
    level: INFO

The endpoint key is required. Oauth information (consumer_key, consumer_secret, token_key, token_secret) is not required, but if provided then oauth will be used to authenticate to the endpoint on each post. If level is specified then all messages with a lower priority than specified will be ignored. Default is INFO.

Journald Reporter

The journald reporter sends the events to systemd’s journald. To enable, provide curtin with config like:

    type: journald
    identifier: "my_identifier"
    level: DEBUG

The event’s fields are mapped to fields of the resulting journal entry as follows:

  • description maps to CURTIN_MESSAGE
  • level maps to PRIORITY
  • name maps to CURTIN_NAME
  • event_type maps to CURTIN_EVENT_TYPE
  • result, if present, maps to CURTIN_RESULT

The configured identifier, which defaults to “curtin_event”, becomes the entry’s SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER.

The python-systemd package must be installed to use this handler.

Example Events

The following is an example event that would be posted:

 "origin": "curtin",
 "timestamp": 1440688425.6038516,
 "event_type": "start",
 "name": "cmd-install",
 "description": "curtin command install",
 "level": "INFO"

The post files will look like this:

 "origin": "curtin",
 "files": [
      "content: "fCBzZmRpc2s....gLS1uby1yZX",
      "path": "/var/log/curtin/install.log",
      "encoding": "base64"
      "content: "fCBzZmRpc2s....gLS1uby1yZX",
      "path": "/var/log/syslog",
      "encoding": "base64"
 "description": "curtin command install",
 "timestamp": 1440688425.6038516,
 "name": "cmd-install",
 "result": "SUCCESS",
 "event_type": "finish"

Example Http Request

The following is an example http request from curtin:

Accept-Encoding: identity
Host: localhost:8000
Content-Type: application/json
Connection: close
User-Agent: Curtin/0.1
Content-Length: 156

 "origin": "curtin",
 "timestamp": 1440688425.6038516,
 "event_type": "start",
 "name": "cmd-install/stage-early",
 "description": "preparing for installation"

Development / Debug Reporting

For debugging and development a simple web server is provided in tools/report-webhook-logger.

Run the web service like:

./tools/report-webhook-logger 8000

And then run your install with appropriate config, like:

sudo ./bin/curtin -vvv install \
   --set install/logfile=/tmp/foo \
   --set reporting/mypost/type=webhook \
   --set reporting/mypost/endpoint=http://localhost:8000/

Legacy Reporter

The legacy ‘reporter’ config entry is still supported. This was utilized by MAAS for start/end and posting of the install log at the end of installation.

Its configuration looks like this:

Legacy Reporter Config Example:

  consumer_key: "ck_foo"
  consumer_secret: "cs_foo"
  token_key: "tk_foo"
  token_secret: "tk_secret"