
Curtin supports a user-configurable storage layout. This format lets users (including via MAAS) to customize their machines’ storage configuration by creating partitions, RAIDs, LVMs, formatting with file systems and setting mount points.

Custom storage configuration is handled by the block-meta custom command in curtin. Partitioning layout is read as a list of in-order modifications to make to achieve the desired configuration. The top level configuration key containing this configuration is storage. This key should contain a dictionary with at least a version number and the configuration list.

Config Example:

  version: 1
    - id: sda
      type: disk
      ptable: gpt
      serial: QM00002
      model: QEMU_HARDDISK

The storage configuration can also have a device_map_path key that specifies a file path where curtin will record (in JSON format) a mapping from device id as specified in the action to the path to the device node for the block device this action ended up modifying or creating.

Config versions

The current version of curtin supports versions 1 and 2. These only differ in the interpretation of partition actions at this time. lvm_partition actions will be interpreted differently at some point in the future.


Config version 2 is under active development and subject to change. Users are advised to use version 1 unless features enabled by version 2 are required.

Configuration Types

Each entry in the config list is a dictionary with several keys which vary between commands. The two dictionary keys that every entry in the list needs to have are id: <id> and type: <type>.

An entry’s id allows other entries in the config to refer to a specific entry. It can be any string other than one with a special meaning in yaml, such as true or none.

An entry’s type tells curtin how to handle a particular entry. Available commands include:

  • Dasd Command (dasd)
  • Disk Command (disk)
  • Partition Command (partition)
  • Format Command (format)
  • Mount Command (mount)
  • LVM_VolGroup Command (lvm_volgroup)
  • LVM_Partition Command (lvm_partition)
  • DM_Crypt Command (dm_crypt)
  • RAID Command (raid)
  • Bcache Command (bcache)
  • Zpool Command (zpool) Experimental
  • ZFS Command (zfs)) Experimental
  • Device “Command” (device)

Any action that refers to a block device (so things like partition and dm_crypt but not lvm_volgroup or mount, for example) can specify a path key but aside from disk actions this is not used to locate the device. A warning will be emitted if the located device does not match the provided path though.

Dasd Command

The dasd command sets up an ECKD s390x system DASD device for use by curtin. FBA DASD devices do not require this low level set up. ECKD DASD drives can also be passed via virtio to KVM virtual machines and in this case this set up must be done on the host prior to starting the virtual machine.

DASD devices require several parameters to configure the low-level structure of the block device. Curtin will examine the configuration and determine if the specified DASD matches the configuration. If the device does not match the configuration Curtin will perform a format of the device to achieve the required configuration. Once a DASD device has been formatted it may be used like regular Linux block devices and can be partitioned (with limitations) with Curtin’s disk command. The dasd command may contain the following keys:

device_id: <ccw bus_id: X.Y.ZZZZ>

The device_id value is used to select a specific DASD device.

blocksize: 512, 1024, 2048, 4096

Specify blocksize to be used. blocksize must be a positive integer and always be a power of two. The default blocksize is 4096 bytes.


The net capacity of an ECKD™ DASD decreases for smaller block sizes. For example, a DASD formatted with a block size of 512 byte has only half of the net capacity of the same DASD formatted with a block size of 4096 byte.

mode: quick, full, expand

Specify the mode to be used to format the device. The default mode is full which will format the entire disk.

Using quick mode will format the first two tracks and write label and partition information. Only use this option if you are sure that the target DASD has already been formatted in a disk_layout and blocksize desired.

The expand mode will format all unformatted tracks at the end of the target DASD. This mode assumes that tracks at the beginning of the DASD volume have already been correctly formatted.

label: <label>

The label value sets the volume serial number (volser) that will be written to the specified DASD after formatting. If no label value is provided one will be generated. The value provided is interpreted as ASCII string and converted to uppercase and then to EBCDIC.

Valid labels are 6 characters long and can alphanumeric values, $, #, @, and %. Shorter values will be padded with trailing spaces.

These label values are reserved and cannot be used:

MIGRAT, SCRTCH, PRIVAT, or Lnnnnn (L with five numbers);

disk_layout: cdl, ldl

The default disk_layout value is cdl, the compaible disk layout which allows for up to 3 partitions and a VTOC. The ldl, Linux layout has only one partition.

Config Example:

- id: dasd_root
  type: dasd
  device_id: 0.0.1520
  blocksize: 4096
  disk_layout: cdl
  label: 0X1520
  mode: full
- id: disk0
  type: disk
  ptable: vtoc
  serial: 0X1520
  name: root_disk
  wipe: superblock

Disk Command

The disk command sets up disks for use by curtin. It can wipe the disks, create partition tables, or just verify that the disks exist with an existing partition table. A disk command may contain all or some of the following keys:

ptable: msdos, gpt, vtoc

If the ptable key is present and a curtin will create an empty partition table of that type on the disk. On almost all drives, curtin supports msdos and gpt partition tables; ECKD DASD drives on s390x mainframes can only use the “vtoc” partition table.

serial: <serial number>

In order to uniquely identify a disk on the system its serial number should be specified. This ensures that even if additional storage devices are added to the system during installation, or udev rules cause the path to a disk to change curtin will still be able to correctly identify the disk it should be operating on using /dev/disk/by-id.

This is the preferred way to identify a disk and should be used in all production environments as it is less likely to point to an incorrect device.

path: <path to device with leading /dev

The path key can be used to identify the disk. If both serial and path are specified, curtin will use the serial number and ignore the path that was specified.

iSCSI disks are supported via a special path prefix of ‘iscsi:’. If this prefix is found in the path specification for a disk, it is assumed to be an iSCSI disk specification and must be in a RFC4173 compliant format, with extensions from Debian for supporting authentication:


  • user: User to authenticate with, if needed, for iSCSI initiator authentication. Only CHAP authentication is supported at this time.
  • password: Password to authenticate with, if needed, for iSCSI initiator authentication. Only CHAP authentication is supported at this time.
  • iuser: User to authenticate with, if needed, for iSCSI target authentication. Only CHAP authentication is supported at this time.
  • ipassword: Password to authenticate with, if needed, for iSCSI target authentication. Only CHAP authentication is supported at this time.


Curtin will treat it as an error if the user and password are not both specified for initiator and target authentication.

  • host: iSCSI server hosting the specified target. It can be a hostname, IPv4 or IPv6 address. If specified as an IPv6 address, it must be specified as [address].
  • proto: Specifies the protocol used for iSCSI. Currently only 6, or TCP, is supported and any other value is ignored. If not specified, 6 is assumed.
  • port: Specifies the port the iSCSI server is listening on. If not specified, 3260 is assumed.
  • lun: Specifies the LUN of the iSCSI target to connect to. If not specified, 0 is assumed.
  • targetname: Specifies the iSCSI target to connect to, by its name on the iSCSI server.


Curtin will treat it as an error if the host and targetname are not specified.

Any iSCSI disks specified will be configured to login at boot in the target.

model: <disk model>

This can specify the manufacturer or model of the disk. It is not currently used by curtin, but can be useful for a human reading a config file. Future versions of curtin may make use of this information.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

If wipe is specified, the disk contents will be destroyed. In the case that a disk is a part of virtual block device, like bcache, RAID array, or LVM, then curtin will attempt to tear down the virtual device to allow access to the disk for resetting the disk.

The most common option for clearing a disk is wipe: superblock. In some cases use of wipe: superblock-recursive is useful to ensure that embedded superblocks on a disk aren’t rediscovered during probing. For example, LVM, bcache and RAID on a partition would have metadata outside of the range of a superblock wipe of the start and end sections of the disk.

The wipe: zero option will write zeros to each sector of the disk. Depending on the size and speed of the disk; it may take a long time to complete.

The wipe: random option will write pseudo-random data from /dev/urandom Depending on the size and speed of the disk; it may take a long time to complete.

The wipe: pvremove option will execute the pvremove command to wipe the LVM metadata so that the device is no longer part of an LVM.

preserve: true, false

When the preserve key is present and set to true curtin will attempt reuse the existing storage device. Curtin will verify aspects of the device against the configuration provided. For example, when assessing whether curtin can use a preserved partition, curtin checks that the device exists, size of the partition matches the value in the config and checks if the same partition flag is set. The set of verification checks vary by device type. If curtin encounters a mismatch between config and what is found on the device a RuntimeError will be raised with the expected and found values and halt the installation. Currently curtin will verify the follow storage types:

  • disk
  • partition
  • lvm_volgroup
  • lvm_partition
  • dm_crypt
  • raid
  • bcache
  • format

One specific use-case of preserve: true is in conjunction with the wipe flag. This allows a device to reused, but have the content of the device to be removed.

name: <name>

If the name key is present, curtin will create a udev rule that makes a symbolic link to the disk with the given name value. This makes it easy to find disks on an installed system. The links are created in /dev/disk/by-dname/<name>. The udev rules will utilize two types of disk metadata to construct the link. For disks with serial and/or wwn values these will be used to ensure the name persists even if the contents of the disk change. For legacy purposes, curtin also emits a rule utilizing metadata on the disk contents, typically a partition UUID value, this also preserves these links for disks which lack persistent attributes such as a serial or wwn, typically found on virtualized environments where such values are left unset.

A link to each partition on the disk will also be created at /dev/disk/by-dname/<name>-part<number>, so if name: maindisk is set, the disk will be at /dev/disk/by-dname/maindisk and the first partition on it will be at /dev/disk/by-dname/maindisk-part1.

grub_device: true, false

If the grub_device key is present and set to true, then when post installation hooks are run grub will be installed onto this disk. In most situations it is not necessary to specify this value as curtin will detect and determine which device to use as a boot disk. In cases where the boot device is on a special volume, such as a RAID array or a LVM Logical Volume, it may be necessary to specify the device that will hold the grub bootloader.

multipath: <multipath name or serial>

If a disk is a path in a multipath device, it may be included in the configuration dictionary. Currently the value is informational only. Curtin already detects whether disks are part of a multipath and selects one member path to operate upon.

Config Example:

- id: disk0
  type: disk
  ptable: gpt
  serial: QM00002
  name: maindisk
  wipe: superblock

Partition Command

The partition command creates a single partition on a disk. Curtin only needs to be told which disk to use and the size of the partition. Additional options are available.

Partition actions are interpreted differently according to the version of the storage config.

  • For version 1 configs, the actions are handled one by one and each partition is created (or assumed to exist, in the preserve: true case) just after that described by the previous action.
  • For version 2 configs, the actions are bundled together to create a complete description of the partition table, and the offset of each action is respected if present. Any partitions that already exist but are not referenced in the new config are (superblock-) wiped and deleted.
    • Because the numbering of logical partitions is not stable (i.e. if there are two logical partitions numbered 5 and 6, and partition 5 is deleted, what was partition 6 will become partition 5), curtin checks if a partition is deleted or not by checking for the presence of a partition action with a matching offset.

If the disk is being completely repartitioned, the two schemes are effectively the same.

number: <number>

The partition number can be specified using number.

For GPT partition tables, this will just be the slot in the partition table that is used to describe this partition.

For DOS partition tables, a primary or extended partition must have a number less than or equal to 4. Logical partitions have numbers 5 or greater but are numbered by the order they are found when parsing the partitions, so the number field is ignored for them.

If the number key is not present, curtin will attempt determine the right number to use.

size: <size>

The partition size can be specified with the size key. Sizes must be given with an appropriate SI unit, such as B, kB, MB, GB, TB, or using just the appropriate SI prefix, i.e. B, k, M, G, T…

Curtin interprets size units in power-of-2 style. This means that 1kB is the same as 1k and 1024, and so on for all the prefixes.


Curtin does not adjust or inspect size values. If you specify a size that exceeds the capacity of a device then installation will fail.

offset: <offset>

The offset at which to create the partition. Only respected in a version 2 config. If the offset field is not present, the partition will be placed after that described by the preceding (logical or primary, if appropriate) partition action, or at the start of the disk (or extended partition, as appropriate).

device: <device id>

The device key refers to the id of a disk in the storage configuration. The disk entry must already be defined in the list of commands to ensure that it has already been processed.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

After the partition is added to the disk’s partition table, curtin can run a wipe command on the partition. The wipe command values are the sames as for disks.


Curtin will automatically wipe 1MB at the starting location of the partition prior to creating the partition to ensure that other block layers or devices do not enable themselves and prevent accessing the partition.

flag: logical, extended, boot, bios_grub, swap, lvm, raid, home, prep, msftres

If the flag key is present, curtin will set the specified flag on the partition. Note that some flags only apply to msdos partition tables, and some only apply to gpt partition tables.

The logical/extended partition flags can be used to create logical partitions on a msdos table. An extended partition should be created containing all of the empty space on the drive, and logical partitions can be created within it. A extended partition must already be present to create logical partitions.

On msdos partition tables, the boot flag sets the boot parameter to that partition. On gpt partition tables, the boot flag sets partition type guid to the appropriate value for the EFI System Partition / ESP.

If the host system for curtin has been booted using UEFI then curtin will install grub to the esp partition. If the system installation media has been booted using an MBR, grub will be installed onto the disk’s MBR. However, on a disk with a gpt partition table, there is not enough space after the MBR for grub to store its second stage core.img, so a small un-formatted partition with the bios_grub flag is needed. This partition should be placed at the beginning of the disk and should be 1MB in size. It should not contain a filesystem or be mounted anywhere on the system.

partition_type: msdos: byte value in 0xnn style; gpt: GUID

Only applicable to v2 storage configuration. If both partition_type and flag are set, partition_type dictates the actual type.

The partition_type field allows for setting arbitrary partition type values that do not have a matching flag, or cases that are not handled by the flag system. For example, since the boot flag results in both setting the bootable state for a MSDOS partition table and setting it to type 0xEF, one can override this behavior and achieve a bootable partition of a different type by using flag: boot and using partition_type.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve flag is set to true, curtin will verify that the partition exists and that the size and flag match the configuration provided. See also the resize flag, which adjusts this behavior.

resize: true, false

Only applicable to v2 storage configuration. If the preserve flag is set to false, this value is not applicable. If the preserve flag is set to true, curtin will adjust the size of the partition to the new size. When adjusting smaller, the size of the contents must permit that. When adjusting larger, there must already be a gap beyond the partition in question. Resize is supported on filesystems of types ext2, ext3, ext4, ntfs.

name: <name>

If the name key is present, curtin will create a udev rule that makes a symbolic link to the partition with the given name value. The links are created in /dev/disk/by-dname/<name>.

For partitions, the udev rule created relies upon disk contents, in this case the partition entry UUID. This will remain in effect unless the underlying disk on which the partition resides has the partition table modified or wiped. This value differs from the partition_name field below.

partition_name <name for gpt table partition entry>

Only applicable with a gpt ptable. This value is not the same as the name field above. This field sets the optional freeform ASCII name string on the partition. On preserved partitions, if this value is unspecified, the current name will be retained.

uuid: <uuid>

Only applicable with a gpt ptable. This field sets the optional UUID value on the partition. On preserved partitions, if this value is unspecified, the current UUID will be retained.

attrs: <list of strings in sfdisk(8) format>

Only applicable with a gpt ptable. Partition attribute flags may optionally be set. These flags must be specified in the same format that sfdisk(8) expects for the part-attrs argument. On preserved partitions, if this value is unspecified, the current attributes will be retained.

multipath: <multipath name or serial>

If a partition is found on a multipath device, it may be included in the configuration dictionary. Currently the value is informational only. Curtin already detects whether partitions are part of a multipath and selects one member path to operate upon.

Config Example:

- id: disk0-part1
  type: partition
  number: 1
  size: 8GB
  device: disk0
  flag: boot
  name: boot_partition

Format Command

The format command makes filesystems on a volume. The filesystem type and target volume can be specified, as well as a few other options.

fstype: ext4, ext3, f2fs, fat32, fat16, swap, xfs, zfsroot


Filesystems support for ZFS on root is Experimental. Utilizing the the fstype: zfsroot will indicate to curtin that it should automatically inject the appropriate type: zpool and type: zfs command structures based on which target volume is specified in the format command. There may be only one zfsroot entry. The disk that contains the zfsroot must be partitioned with a GPT partition table. Curtin will fail to install if these requirements are not met.

The fstype key specifies what type of filesystem format curtin should use for this volume. Curtin knows about common Linux filesystems such as ext4/3 and fat filesystems and makes use of additional parameters and flags to optimize the filesystem. If the fstype value is not known to curtin, that is not fatal. Curtin will check if mkfs.<fstype> exists and if so, will use that tool to format the target volume.

For fat filesystems, the size of the fat table can be specified by entering fat64, fat32, fat16, or fat12 instead of just entering fat. If fat is used, then mkfs.fat will automatically determine the best size fat table to use, probably fat32.

If fstype: swap is set, curtin will create a swap partition on the target volume.

volume: <volume id>

The volume key refers to the id of the target volume in the storage config. The target volume must already exist and be accessible. Any type of target volume can be used as long as it has a block device that curtin can locate.

label: <volume name>

The label key tells curtin to create a filesystem LABEL when formatting a volume. Note that not all filesystem types support names and that there are length limits for names. For fat filesystems, names are limited to 11 characters. For ext4/3 filesystems, names are limited to 16 characters.

If curtin does not know about the filesystem type it is using, then the label key will be ignored, because curtin will not know the correct flags to set the label value in the filesystem metadata.

uuid: <uuid>

If the uuid key is set and fstype is set to ext4 or ext3, then curtin will set the uuid of the new filesystem to the specified value.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve key is set to true, curtin will not format the partition.

extra_options: <list of strings>

The extra_options key is a list of strings that is appended to the mkfs command used to create the filesystem. Use of this setting is dangerous. Some flags may cause an error during creation of a filesystem.

Config Example:

- id: disk0-part1-fs1
  type: format
  fstype: ext4
  label: cloud-image
  volume: disk0-part1

- id: disk1-part1-fs1
  type: format
  fstype: ext4
  label: osdata1
  uuid: ed51882e-8688-4cd8-97ca-1f2b8bbee458
  extra_options: ['-O', '^metadata_csum,^64bit']

- id: nvme1-part1-fs1
  type: format
  fstype: ext4
  label: cacheset1
    - -E
    - offset=1024,nodiscard

Mount Command

The mount command mounts the target filesystem and creates an entry for it in the newly installed system’s /etc/fstab. The path to the target mountpoint must be specified as well as the target filesystem.

path: <path>

The path key tells curtin where the filesystem should be mounted on the target system. An entry in the target system’s /etc/fstab will be created for the target device which will mount it in the correct place once the installed system boots.

If the device specified is formatted as swap space, then an entry will be added to the target system’s /etc/fstab to make use of this swap space.

When entries are created in /etc/fstab, curtin will use the most reliable method available to identify each device. For regular partitions, curtin will use the UUID of the filesystem present on the partition. For special devices, such as RAID arrays, or LVM logical volumes, curtin will use their normal path in /dev.

device: <device id>

The device key refers to the id of a Format entry. One of device or spec must be present.


If the specified device refers to an iSCSI device, the corresponding fstab entry will contain _netdev to indicate networking is required to mount this filesystem.

freq: <dump(8) integer from 0-9 inclusive>

The freq key refers to the freq as defined in dump(8). Defaults to 0 if unspecified.

fstype: <fileystem type>

fstype is only required if device is not present. It indicates the filesystem type and will be used for mount operations and written to /etc/fstab

options: <mount(8) comma-separated options string>

The options key will replace the default options value of defaults.


The kernel and user-space utilities may differ between the install environment and the runtime environment. Not all kernels and user-space combinations will support all options. Providing options for a mount point will have both of the following effects:

  • curtin will mount the filesystems with the provided options during the installation.
  • curtin will ensure the target OS uses the provided mount options by updating the target OS (/etc/fstab).

If either of the environments (install or target) do not have support for the provided options, the behavior is undefined.

passno: <fsck(8) non-negative integer, typically 0-2>

The passno key refers to the fs_passno as defined in fsck(8). If unspecified, curtin will default to 1 or 0, depending on if that filesystem is considered to be a ‘nodev’ device per /proc/filesystems. Note that per systemd-fstab-generator(8), systemd interprets passno as a boolean.

spec: <fs_spec>

The spec attribute defines the fsspec as defined in fstab(5). If spec is present with device, then mounts will be done according to spec rather than determined via inspection of device. If spec is present without device then fstype must be present.

Config Example:

- id: disk0-part1-fs1-mount0
  type: mount
  path: /home
  device: disk0-part1-fs1
  options: 'noatime,errors=remount-ro'

Bind Mount

Below is an example of configuring a bind mount.

- id: bind1
  fstype: "none"
  options: "bind"
  path: "/var/lib"
  spec: "/my/bind-over-var-lib"
  type: mount

That would result in a fstab entry like:

/my/bind-over-var-lib /var/lib none bind 0 0

Tmpfs Mount

Below is an example of configuring a tmpfsbind mount.

- id: tmpfs1
  type: mount
  spec: "none"
  path: "/my/tmpfs"
  options: size=4194304
  fstype: "tmpfs"

That would result in a fstab entry like:

none /my/tmpfs tmpfs size=4194304 0 0

Lvm Volgroup Command

The lvm_volgroup command creates LVM Physical Volumes (PV) and connects them in a LVM Volume Group (vg). The command requires a name for the volgroup and a list of the devices that should be used as physical volumes.

name: <name>

The name key specifies the name of the volume group. It anything can be used except words with special meanings in YAML, such as true, or none.

devices: []

The devices key gives a list of devices to use as physical volumes. Each device is specified using the id of existing devices in the storage config. Almost anything can be used as a device such as partitions, whole disks, RAID.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve option is True, curtin will verify that volume group specified by the name option is present and that the physical volumes of the group match the devices specified in devices. There is no wipe option for volume groups.

Config Example:

- id: volgroup1
  type: lvm_volgroup
  name: vg1
    - disk0-part2
    - disk1

Lvm Partition Command

The lvm_partition command creates a lvm logical volume on the specified volgroup with the specified size. It also assigns it the specified name.

name: <name>

The name key specifies the name of the Logical Volume (LV) to be created.

Curtin creates udev rules for Logical Volumes to give them consistently named symbolic links in the target system under /dev/disk/by-dname/. The naming scheme for Logical Volumes follows the pattern <volgroup name>-<logical volume name>. For example a lvm_partition with name lv1 on a lvm_volgroup named vg1 would have the path /dev/disk/by-dname/vg1-lv1.


dname values for contructed devices (such as lvm) only remain persistent as long as the device metadata does not change. If users modify the device such that device metadata is changed then the udev rule may no longer apply.

volgroup: <volgroup id>

The volgroup key specifies the id of the Volume Group in which to create the logical volume. The volgroup must already have been created and must have enough free space on it to create the logical volume. The volgroup should be specified using the id key of the volgroup in the storage config, not the name of the volgroup.

size: <size>

The size key tells curtin what size to make the logical volume. The size can be entered in any format that can be processed by the lvm2 tools, so a number followed by a SI unit should work, i.e. B, kB, MB, GB, TB.

If the size key is omitted then all remaining space on the volgroup will be used for the logical volume.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve option is True, curtin will verify that specified lvm partition is part of the specified volume group. If size is specified curtin will verify the size matches the specified value.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

If wipe option is set, and preserve is False, curtin will wipe the contents of the lvm partition. Curtin skips wipe settings if it creates the lvm partition.


Curtin does not adjust size values. If you specific a size that exceeds the capacity of a device then installation will fail.

Config Example:

- id: lvm_partition_1
  type: lvm_partition
  name: lv1
  volgroup: volgroup1
  size: 10G

Combined Example:

- id: volgroup1
  type: lvm_volgroup
  name: vg1
    - disk0-part2
    - disk1
- id: lvm_partition_1
  type: lvm_partition
  name: lv1
  volgroup: volgroup1
  size: 10G

Dm-Crypt Command

The dm_crypt command creates encrypted volumes using cryptsetup. It requires a name for the encrypted volume, the volume to be encrypted and a key. In situations where the config is generated on a different system from where curtin is run there is not yet a good solution for securely conveying the key – you can set key but it appears in plain text in the config, which might be intercepted by between the systems (and is by default copied to the target system). If the config is generated on the same system, you can use keyfile to supply the passphrase in file with appropriate permissions.

volume: <volume id>

The volume key gives the volume that is to be encrypted.

dm_name: <name>

The name key specifies the name of the encrypted volume.

key: <key>

The key key specifies the password of the encryption key. The target system will prompt for this password in order to mount the disk.

keyfile: <keyfile>

The keyfile contains the password of the encryption key. The target system will prompt for this password in order to mount the disk.

Exactly one of key and keyfile must be supplied.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve option is True, curtin will verify the dm-crypt device specified is composed of the device specified in volume.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

If wipe option is set, and preserve is False, curtin will wipe the contents of the dm-crypt device. Curtin skips wipe settings if it creates the dm-crypt volume.


Encrypted disks and partitions are tracked in /etc/crypttab and will be mounted at boot time.

Config Example:

- id: lvm_partition_1
  type: dm_crypt
  dm_name: crypto
  volume: sdb1
  key: testkey

RAID Command

The RAID command configures Linux Software RAID using mdadm. It needs to be given a name for the md device, a list of volumes for to compose the md device, an optional list of devices to be used as spare volumes, and RAID level.

name: <name>

The name key specifies the name of the md device.


Curtin creates a udev rule to create a link to the md device in /dev/disk/by-dname/<name> using the specified name. The dname symbolic link is only persistent as long as the raid metadata is not modifed or destroyed.

raidlevel: 0, 1, 5, 6, 10

The raidlevel key specifies the raid level of the array.

devices: []

The devices key specifies a list of the devices that will be used for the raid array. Each device must be referenced by id and the device must be previously defined in the storage configuration. Must not be empty.

Devices can either be full disks or partition.

spare_devices: []

The spare_devices key specifies a list of the devices that will be used for spares in the raid array. Each device must be referenced by id and the device must be previously defined in the storage configuration. May be empty.

ptable: msdos, gpt

To partition the array rather than mounting it directly, the ptable key must be present and a valid type of partition table, i.e. msdos or gpt.

metadata: default, 1.2, 1.1, 0.90, ddf, imsm

Specify the metadata (superblock) style to be used when creating the array. metadata defaults to the string “default” and is passed to mdadm. The version of mdadm used during the install will control the value here. Note that metadata version 1.2 is the default in mdadm since release version 3.3 in 2013.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve option is True, curtin will verify the composition of the raid device. This includes array state, raid level, device md-uuid, composition of the array devices and spares and that all are present.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

If wipe option is set to values other than ‘superblock’, curtin will wipe contents of the assembled raid device. Curtin skips ‘superblock` wipes as it already clears raid data on the members before assembling the array.

To allow a pre-existing (i.e. preserve=true) raid to get a new partition table, set the wipe field to indicate the disk should be reformatted (this is different from disk actions, where the preserve field is used for this. But that means something different for raid devices).

Config Example:

- id: raid_array
  type: raid
  name: md0
  raidlevel: 1
  metadata: 0.90
    - sdb
    - sdc
    - sdd

Bcache Command

The bcache command will configure a block-cache device using the Linux kernel bcache module. Bcache allows users to use a typically small, but fast SSD or NVME device as a cache for larger, slower spinning disks.

The bcache command needs to be told which device to use hold the data and which device to use as its cache device. A cache device may be reused with multiple backing devices.

backing_device: <device id>

The backing_device key specifies the item in storage configuration to use as the backing device. This can be any device that would normally be used with a filesystem on it, such as a partition or a raid array.

cache_device: <device id>

The cache_device key specifies the item in the storage configuration to use as the cache device. This can be a partition or a whole disk. It should be on a ssd in most cases, as bcache is designed around the performance characteristics of a ssd.

cache_mode: writethrough, writeback, writearound, none

The cache_mode key specifies the mode in which bcache operates. The default mode is writethrough which ensures data hits the backing device before completing the operation. writeback mode will have higher performance but exposes dataloss if the cache device fails. writearound will avoid using the cache for large sequential writes; useful for not evicting smaller reads/writes from the cache. None effectively disables bcache.

name: <name>

If the name key is present, curtin will create a link to the device at /dev/disk/by-dname/<name>.


dname values for contructed devices (such as bcache) only remain persistent as long as the device metadata does not change. If users modify the device such that device metadata is changed then the udev rule may no longer apply.

preserve: true, false

If the preserve option is True, curtin will verify the composition of the bcache device. This includes checking that backing device and cache device are enabled and bound correctly (backing device is cached by expected cache device). If cache-mode is specified, verify that the mode matches.

wipe: superblock, superblock-recursive, pvremove, zero, random

If wipe option is set, curtin will wipe the contents of the bcache device. If only cache device is specified, wipe option is ignored.

Config Example:

- id: bcache0
  type: bcache
  name: cached_raid
  backing_device: raid_array
  cache_device: sdb

Zpool Command

ZFS Support is experimental.

The zpool command configures ZFS storage pools. A storage pool is a collection of devices that provides physical storage and data replication for ZFS datasets.

The zpool command needs to be provided with a list of physical devices, called vdevs.


Curtin specifies zpool version=28 by default. This version is the most compatible with other ZFS implementations. If newer ZFS features are required users may specify the version value in the pool_properties dictionary. Users may also run `zpool upgrade` to move to a new pool version. Some newer features may require migration of data.

For more information about versions and features consult:

pool: <pool name>

The pool key specifies the name of the ZFS storage pool. It will be used when constructing ZFS datasets.

vdevs: [<device id>]

The vdevs key specifies a list of items in the storage configuration to use in building a ZFS storage pool. This can be a partition or a whole disk. It is recommended that vdevs are disks which have a ‘serial’ attribute which allows Curtin to build a /dev/disk/by-id path which is a persistent path, however, if not available Curtin will accept ‘path’ attributes but warn that the zpool may be unstable due to missing by-id device path.

mountpoint: <mountpoint>

The mountpoint key specifies where ZFS will mount the storage pool.

pool_properties: {<key=value>}

The pool_properties key specifies a dictionary of key=value pairs which are passed to the ZFS storage pool configuration as properties of the pool. The default pool properties are:

  • ashift: 12
  • version: 28

Use ashift: null or version: null to use the default value for these properties as decided by zpool create.

fs_properties: {<key=value>}

The fs_properties key specifies a dictionary of key=value pairs which are passed to the ZFS storage pool configuration as the default properties of any ZFS datasets that are created within the pool. The default fs properties are:

  • atime: off
  • canmount: off
  • normalization: formD

Use $key: null, where $key is one of the default fs_property keys, to use the default value for these properties as decided by zpool create.

default_features: true, false

If true, keep the default features enabled. For fine-grained control of the desired features, set to false and enable the desired features with pool_properties. This controls the presence or absence of the -d flag of zpool create. Default value is true, which means the zpool default feature set is used.

Config Example:

- type: zpool
  id: sda_rootpool
  pool: rpool
   - sda1
  mountpoint: /

ZFS Command

ZFS Support is experimental.

The zfs command configures ZFS datasets within a ZFS storage pool. A dataset is identified by a unique path within the ZFS namespace. A dataset can be one of the following: filesystem, volume, snapshot, bookmark.

The zfs command needs to be provided with a pool name and a dataset name.


Curtin specifies zpool version=28 by default. This version is the most compatible with other ZFS implementations. If newer ZFS features are required users may specify the version value in the pool_properties dictionary. Users may also run `zpool upgrade` to move to a new pool version. Some newer features may require migration of data.

For more information about versions and features consult:

pool: <pool name>

The pool key specifies the name of the ZFS storage pool. It will be used when constructing ZFS datasets.

volume: <volume name>

The volume key specifies the name of the volume to create with the specified ZFS storage pool.

properties: {key=value}

The properties key specifies a dictionary of key=value pairs which are passed to the ZFS dataset creation command.

Config Example:

- type: zfs
  id: sda_rootpool_rootfs
  pool: sda_rootpool
  volume: /ROOT/zfsroot
    canmount: noauto
    mountpoint: /

Device “Command”

This is a special command that can be used to refer to an arbitrary block device. It can be useful when you want to refer to a device that has been set up outside curtin for some reason – partitioning or formatting or including in a RAID array or LVM volume group, for example.

path: path to device node

Path or symlink to the device node in /dev.

The device action also supports the ptable attribute, to allow an arbitrary device node to be partitioned.

Additional Examples

Learn by examples.

  • Basic
  • LVM
  • Bcache
  • RAID Boot
  • Partitioned RAID
  • RAID5 + Bcache
  • ZFS Root Simple
  • ZFS Root

Basic Layout

  version: 1
    - id: disk0
      type: disk
      ptable: msdos
      model: QEMU HARDDISK
      path: /dev/vdb
      name: main_disk
      wipe: superblock
      grub_device: true
    - id: disk0-part1
      type: partition
      number: 1
      size: 3GB
      device: disk0
      flag: boot
    - id: disk0-part2
      type: partition
      number: 2
      size: 1GB
      device: disk0
    - id: disk0-part1-format-root
      type: format
      fstype: ext4
      volume: disk0-part1
    - id: disk0-part2-format-home
      type: format
      fstype: ext4
      volume: disk0-part2
    - id: disk0-part1-mount-root
      type: mount
      path: /
      device: disk0-part1-format-root
    - id: disk0-part2-mount-home
      type: mount
      path: /home
      device: disk0-part2-format-home


  version: 1
    - id: sda
      type: disk
      ptable: msdos
      model: QEMU HARDDISK
      path: /dev/vdb
      name: main_disk
    - id: sda1
      type: partition
      size: 3GB
      device: sda
      flag: boot
    - id: sda_extended
      type: partition
      size: 5G
      flag: extended
      device: sda
    - id: sda2
      type: partition
      size: 2G
      flag: logical
      device: sda
    - id: sda3
      type: partition
      size: 3G
      flag: logical
      device: sda
    - id: volgroup1
      name: vg1
      type: lvm_volgroup
          - sda2
          - sda3
    - id: lvmpart1
      name: lv1
      size: 1G
      type: lvm_partition
      volgroup: volgroup1
    - id: lvmpart2
      name: lv2
      type: lvm_partition
      volgroup: volgroup1
    - id: sda1_root
      type: format
      fstype: ext4
      volume: sda1
    - id: lv1_fs
      name: storage
      type: format
      fstype: fat32
      volume: lvmpart1
    - id: lv2_fs
      name: storage
      type: format
      fstype: ext3
      volume: lvmpart2
    - id: sda1_mount
      type: mount
      path: /
      device: sda1_root
    - id: lv1_mount
      type: mount
      path: /srv/data
      device: lv1_fs
    - id: lv2_mount
      type: mount
      path: /srv/backup
      device: lv2_fs


  version: 1
    - id: id_rotary0
      type: disk
      name: rotary0
      path: /dev/vdb
      ptable: msdos
      wipe: superblock
      grub_device: true
    - id: id_ssd0
      type: disk
      name: ssd0
      path: /dev/vdc
      wipe: superblock
    - id: id_rotary0_part1
      type: partition
      name: rotary0-part1
      device: id_rotary0
      number: 1
      size: 999M
      wipe: superblock
    - id: id_rotary0_part2
      type: partition
      name: rotary0-part2
      device: id_rotary0
      number: 2
      size: 9G
      wipe: superblock
    - id: id_bcache0
      type: bcache
      name: bcache0
      backing_device: id_rotary0_part2
      cache_device: id_ssd0
      cache_mode: writeback
    - id: bootfs
      type: format
      label: boot-fs
      volume: id_rotary0_part1
      fstype: ext4
    - id: rootfs
      type: format
      label: root-fs
      volume: id_bcache0
      fstype: ext4
    - id: rootfs_mount
      type: mount
      path: /
      device: rootfs
    - id: bootfs_mount
      type: mount
      path: /boot
      device: bootfs


  version: 1
     - id: sda
       type: disk
       ptable: gpt
       model: QEMU HARDDISK
       path: /dev/vdb
       name: main_disk
       grub_device: 1
     - id: bios_boot_partition
       type: partition
       size: 1MB
       device: sda
       flag: bios_grub
     - id: sda1
       type: partition
       size: 3GB
       device: sda
     - id: sdb
       type: disk
       ptable: gpt
       model: QEMU HARDDISK
       path: /dev/vdc
       name: second_disk
     - id: sdb1
       type: partition
       size: 3GB
       device: sdb
     - id: sdc
       type: disk
       ptable: gpt
       model: QEMU HARDDISK
       path: /dev/vdd
       name: third_disk
     - id: sdc1
       type: partition
       size: 3GB
       device: sdc
     - id: mddevice
       name: md0
       type: raid
       raidlevel: 5
         - sda1
         - sdb1
         - sdc1
     - id: md_root
       type: format
       fstype: ext4
       volume: mddevice
     - id: md_mount
       type: mount
       path: /
       device: md_root

Partitioned RAID

  - type: disk
    id: disk-0
    ptable: gpt
    path: /dev/vda
    wipe: superblock
    grub_device: true
  - type: disk
    id: disk-1
    path: /dev/vdb
    wipe: superblock
  - type: disk
    id: disk-2
    path: /dev/vdc
    wipe: superblock
  - type: partition
    id: part-0
    device: disk-0
    size: 1048576
    flag: bios_grub
  - type: partition
    id: part-1
    device: disk-0
    size: 21471690752
  - id: raid-0
    type: raid
    name: md0
    raidlevel: 1
    devices: [disk-2, disk-1]
    ptable: gpt
  - type: partition
    id: part-2
    device: raid-0
    size: 10737418240
  - type: partition
    id: part-3
    device: raid-0
    size: 10735321088,
  - type: format
    id: fs-0
    fstype: ext4
    volume: part-1
  - type: format
    id: fs-1
    fstype: xfs
    volume: part-2
  - type: format
    id: fs-2
    fstype: ext4
    volume: part-3
  - type: mount
    id: mount-0
    device: fs-0
    path: /
  - type: mount
    id: mount-1
    device: fs-1
    path: /srv
  - type: mount
    id: mount-2
    device: fs-2
    path: /home
  version: 1

RAID5 + Bcache

  - grub_device: true
    id: sda
    model: QEMU HARDDISK
    name: sda
    ptable: msdos
    path: /dev/vdb
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  - id: sdb
    model: QEMU HARDDISK
    name: sdb
    path: /dev/vdc
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  - id: sdc
    model: QEMU HARDDISK
    name: sdc
    path: /dev/vdd
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  - id: sdd
    model: QEMU HARDDISK
    name: sdd
    path: /dev/vde
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  - id: sde
    model: QEMU HARDDISK
    name: sde
    path: /dev/vdf
    type: disk
    wipe: superblock
  - devices:
    - sdc
    - sdd
    - sde
    id: md0
    name: md0
    raidlevel: 5
    spare_devices: []
    type: raid
  - device: sda
    id: sda-part1
    name: sda-part1
    number: 1
    size: 1000001536B
    type: partition
    uuid: 3a38820c-d675-4069-b060-509a3d9d13cc
    wipe: superblock
  - device: sda
    id: sda-part2
    name: sda-part2
    number: 2
    size: 7586787328B
    type: partition
    uuid: 17747faa-4b9e-4411-97e5-12fd3d199fb8
    wipe: superblock
  - backing_device: sda-part2
    cache_device: sdb
    cache_mode: writeback
    id: bcache0
    name: bcache0
    type: bcache
  - fstype: ext4
    id: sda-part1_format
    label: ''
    type: format
    uuid: 71b1ef6f-5cab-4a77-b4c8-5a209ec11d7c
    volume: sda-part1
  - fstype: ext4
    id: md0_format
    label: ''
    type: format
    uuid: b031f0a0-adb3-43be-bb43-ce0fc8a224a4
    volume: md0
  - fstype: ext4
    id: bcache0_format
    label: ''
    type: format
    uuid: ce45bbaf-5a44-4487-b89e-035c2dd40657
    volume: bcache0
  - device: bcache0_format
    id: bcache0_mount
    path: /
    type: mount
  - device: sda-part1_format
    id: sda-part1_mount
    path: /boot
    type: mount
  - device: md0_format
    id: md0_mount
    path: /srv/data
    type: mount
  version: 1

ZFS Root Simple

   - id: sda
     type: disk
     ptable: gpt
     serial: dev_vda
     name: main_disk
     wipe: superblock
     grub_device: true
   - id: sda1
     type: partition
     number: 1
     size: 9G
     device: sda
   - id: bios_boot
     type: partition
     size: 1M
     number: 2
     device: sda
     flag: bios_grub
   - id: sda1_root
     type: format
     fstype: zfsroot
     volume: sda1
     label: 'cloudimg-rootfs'
   - id: sda1_mount
     type: mount
     path: /
     device: sda1_root
   version: 1

ZFS Root

    -   grub_device: true
        id: disk1
        name: main_disk
        ptable: gpt
        serial: disk-a
        type: disk
        wipe: superblock
    -   device: disk1
        id: disk1p1
        number: 1
        size: 9G
        type: partition
    -   device: disk1
        flag: bios_grub
        id: bios_boot
        number: 2
        size: 1M
        type: partition
    -   id: disk1_rootpool
        mountpoint: /
        pool: rpool
        type: zpool
        - disk1p1
    -   id: disk1_rootpool_container
        pool: disk1_rootpool
            canmount: 'off'
            mountpoint: 'none'
        type: zfs
        volume: /ROOT
    -   id: disk1_rootpool_rootfs
        pool: disk1_rootpool
            canmount: noauto
            mountpoint: /
        type: zfs
        volume: /ROOT/zfsroot
    -   id: disk1_rootpool_home
        pool: disk1_rootpool
            setuid: 'off'
        type: zfs
        volume: /home
    -   id: disk1_rootpool_home_root
        pool: disk1_rootpool
        type: zfs
        volume: /home/root
            mountpoint: /root
    version: 1